Wednesday, November 6, 2013


I think having a newsletter for my business would be an awesome idea that could help it expand and thrive.  I think a monthly newsletter would be appropriate for my business style. Weekly might be a bit too much and quarterly not quite enough. Having a  newsletter would be a great way to inform existing customers and reach out to potential customers.  It would also give me a chance to see how satisfied they are and what they would want to see more of.

Having a monthly newsletter containing the following would be perfect because it gives me a chance to interact with my clients and potential customers.

Content would include:
Motivational tips
Exercise tips
Success Stories


  1. Great idea about using your newsletter acting as a forum for customer comments or questions - perhaps you could send out a customer questionnaire-survey to see what they are thinking about your business on an annual basis.

  2. It would not only be too much for the customer to receive a weekly newsletter, it would also be extremely difficult on you. With out a team of people or 6 extra hours in the day, it would be too stressful coming up with that much new content. The monthly idea is way better and gives you time to collect content. The customer will be waiting for the newsletter since it is filled with topics that interest them. They signed up to receive a newsletter, probably thinking it was going to come once a month or less. I remember an instance that I was receiving weekly newsletter and it took about 3 weeks till I was fed up and looking for the unsubscribe link. I think in this situation, like most others, less is more.

    1. I don't think he really needs to cut down on a weekly newsletter so long as the content is short and to the point. Focusing on an exercise tip and a discount in one and then a motivational story with a video testimonial in another doesn't super-saturate your inbox. Its when the offer become redundant that it really is a problem. I think he just needs to ask himself the questions, "how is this continuing the conversation? Am I just spamming them or am I providing value for time?"

  3. Video! what a grest idea.I don't know why I didn't even think of how much you can exlpain and illustrate through imbeding videos in with the newsletter content.Also motivational tips is another great way to create content I think I will add that to my list of intended colomns to feature too. : )
