Sunday, September 22, 2013

2 Websites I Use Frequently


I have been using tumblr for about a year and I love everything about it. I think it is effective because it makes it possible to see photography from different perspectives and allows you to share your photography with other people.  The have a clean design that is very simple and easy to use.  The interface runs smoothly and the color of the site is cool and relaxing. I visit several times daily due to the wide variety of different photos to see and the people to talk to.  Gaining followers is fun because you get the chance to interact with others and create friendships.  If anything could be improved, I would say adding a chat bar similar to Facebook.  It would make instant communicating a lot easier and more accessible.


Youtube is effective because I can watch so many different videos ranging from informational to pure comedy.   Personally, I hate the design of Youtube and the constant updates and changes they make are unnecessary.  It can be confusing to navigate and if you are a new user, creating an account is difficult.  However, what makes me come back is the content it provides.  I can deal with its bad design and difficult interface as long as I am able to view the videos I want to see.  The subscription box could be greatly improved because it often becomes cluttered and is very annoying to have to click two or three different links just to see new videos in your sub box.  But overall, I love Youtube and the content it provides.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Aesthetics, Design & Branding

1.) - correct

  • Navigation is easy due to the basic simplicity of the website
  • Apple focuses on the main product they are selling yet finding other products or services is still simple
  • The color and design remains constant so the viewer does not become confused.
The simplicity of the website is key....I love the fact that I can go to the website and accomplish any task easily and quickly.

2.) - correct

  • The simple design is easy to accomplish any task and navigate comfortably
  • Shows pictures/advertisements individually, allowing the viewer to focus on one offer at a time
  • The text is large and the color works perfectly allowing the viewer to easily read anything without struggle. 
The design of the website makes me feel comfortable navigating through cars and possibly could make me become a potential customer.

3.) - problems

  • The home page is far too busy, not allowing the viewer to focus on what they are trying to achieve
  • The use of small text on certain parts of the page makes it confusing and hard to read
  • Too many links at the bottom of the page
The website could possibly be improved by focusing on one advertisement on the homepage rather than bombarding the viewer with 3 or 4 different cars.

4.) - problems

  • There is WAY too much to read on the homepage....very distracting and unprofessional looking
  • Ads on the side of the page are irritating and not simple....anyone without knowledge on the products would have no idea how to navigate.
  • The title of the website is not large should be large and inviting to make the reader aware of what they are viewing.
The website could easily be improved by cleaning up the homepage....get rid of all of the writing and create links with basic titles so that mediocre mechanics could easily navigate the site.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

5 Examples of Businesses Using Social Media


Middle bottom of the page, Facebook | Instagram | iTunes (app)


Bottom right, Facebook | Twitter


Top right, Facebook | Twitter | Youtube | Instagram


Side right, Twitter | Facebook


Bottom right, Facebook | Twitter | Tumblr | Youtube | Instagram | Google + | Pinterest

Communication Error?

Communicating with large businesses can be a hassle and sometimes may not result in what you are hoping for.  One time, when I was trying to communicate a return with Urban Outfitters, they took an extremely long time to reply to my email.  By the time I actually got a response, I barely had anytime to return the product by their 'deadline.'  It was extremely frustrating trying to complete a process with no help from the company.  If I had been able to contact them via Facebook or Twitter, the process may have been easier to complete.

On the contrary, I have had many pleasurable experiences dealing with businesses through social media platforms.  For example, when the release of a new product that I really wanted was hours away, I tweeted a question to the brand and got a fast and informative response.  This made me happy as a customer to know that the company interacts with it's consumers and because I got the information I was looking for.  Another positive experience was when a brand forgot to ship me a product I had ordered.  I contacted them via twitter and my response was again - immediate.  They quickly shipped me my bracelet and even shipped a complimentary bracelet free of charge! It was an AWESOME experience and social media played a big part, allowing me to communicate quickly and effectively.  

Sunday, September 8, 2013

What's best for social media?

In my time of using social media, it seems that Twitter and Facebook are the best platforms for business use.  I have seen many companies try to reach out and expand their opportunities as a business.  They can easily promote products by sharing and/or retweeting the posts which has a high possibility of reaching out to potential customers.

For personal use, I would say Instagram and tumblr are the best.  Instagram is cool because you can follow all of your friends that you might not see as often and share moments with them.  Tumblr is a great place to see other people's photographs and writing such as poems or journal entries.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Why Did I Choose This?

I chose this template for my blog because of its simplicity.  The posts are organized in a straight line as one scrolls down which is easy to read and comprehend.  The blue background is calm and inviting rather than using a typical bland color such as white or black.  If somebody were to come to my blog to find out some information, I want them to feel comfortable scrolling through and reading the content.  I know from experience that if a website is poorly laid out, I have a higher chance of not visiting the site again.

I am very used to the blogging platform, Tumblr.  The blue color was influenced by it because it gives a feeling of serenity.  This layout was also similar to a layout I once had on my tumblr.  The posts are single column and decent sized so the visiter can easily see each post.  Also, I like the way the title stands out blatantly with this template.  This way the reader can see what they are viewing rather than searching the whole blog to find out what it is about.

Overall, I chose this template because it was clear and simple.  There should be no struggle trying to navigate through a website to find any information.  I feel like this layout will portray this standard.