Thursday, September 19, 2013

Aesthetics, Design & Branding

1.) - correct

  • Navigation is easy due to the basic simplicity of the website
  • Apple focuses on the main product they are selling yet finding other products or services is still simple
  • The color and design remains constant so the viewer does not become confused.
The simplicity of the website is key....I love the fact that I can go to the website and accomplish any task easily and quickly.

2.) - correct

  • The simple design is easy to accomplish any task and navigate comfortably
  • Shows pictures/advertisements individually, allowing the viewer to focus on one offer at a time
  • The text is large and the color works perfectly allowing the viewer to easily read anything without struggle. 
The design of the website makes me feel comfortable navigating through cars and possibly could make me become a potential customer.

3.) - problems

  • The home page is far too busy, not allowing the viewer to focus on what they are trying to achieve
  • The use of small text on certain parts of the page makes it confusing and hard to read
  • Too many links at the bottom of the page
The website could possibly be improved by focusing on one advertisement on the homepage rather than bombarding the viewer with 3 or 4 different cars.

4.) - problems

  • There is WAY too much to read on the homepage....very distracting and unprofessional looking
  • Ads on the side of the page are irritating and not simple....anyone without knowledge on the products would have no idea how to navigate.
  • The title of the website is not large should be large and inviting to make the reader aware of what they are viewing.
The website could easily be improved by cleaning up the homepage....get rid of all of the writing and create links with basic titles so that mediocre mechanics could easily navigate the site.


  1. Hi John,

    Interesting, my take on Ford's website was very different. The home page seems to me to have been designed so that you can see the whole thing or at least most of it at a glance, no scrolling required, which I found genius, considering that people take only a few seconds to decide if they'll stay with your site or move on.

    But I agree with you about the small print on the page. The gas mileage information seems to be out of place, almost like it was an afterthought.


  2. I agree with you regarding the two well constructed websites, Apple and Toyota. I think were designed beautifully. I go into detail on my blog.

    I also agree with you on your take regarding The landing page could have been cleaned up to make it easier to navigate the company site, product lines etc. I also believe they missed the mark regarding the site. It appears to be a static brochure site. The company could befit in revenue generating sales, if the made it a user-friendly ecommerce site. Now you have to pick up a phone to place an order.

    The waving flag graphic annoys me. I have the feeling I’m running out of time. Hurry, hurry, hurry.
