Thursday, October 31, 2013

Google Analytics On My Blog

Here is a quick screenshot of google analytics being installed on my blog :)

Business. Big Business. Workout Business.

Personally, for my business, I think it is possible for me to be extremely personal because customers should have a one on one relationship with who I am and what I do.  For example, I could share my morning weigh-in, my afternoon snack, or what I did differently in my workout.  I could also share even more personal things such as problems I face and how to overcome them.  I feel like having a personal blog will really connect with people, making them feel like your friend.  Personality is always a must on my blog for my business style.  I mean, if I don't show my personality, emotions, and thoughts, nobody will want to read my blog posts.  They could just google search their info.  Personality will make your viewers and customers attached to you and overall more comfortable.  I feel like this is the big bonus to having a self-operated business.  You can treat your clients as friends and talk to them as well as be there in the business aspect of things.

How I Found My Connections

After following several people on Twitter, I found that I did not need to use key words in order to find connections to my business.  I am familiar with Twitter and several bodybuilders and fitness models and gyms, so I was able to search their names directly.  I think that seeing their tweets on my timeline will allow me to learn about different events and opportunities to expand my business.  Twitter is an awesome way to expand because the retweet option allows people from all over to see your tweets, even if they aren't following you.  On my personal twitter, I already have a small following of around 8,500 followers so that could help promote my business page.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Similar Businesses

1.) Christian Guzman Fitness; Personal trainer
- He is using Instagram, Facebook and most importantly, Youtube.  He reaches out to new clients by providing new and useful workout techniques and on every video advertises his online personal training and diet program.  He is using social media effectively to build an audience which then transforms into a client base.

2.) Chris Jones, Physiques of Greatness; Bodybuilder, online personal trainer
-Chris uses Youtube and Facebook mostly, but has recently started using Instagram.  He built a large following on Youtube which transferred into more and more likes on Facebook.  On these platforms, he is able to connect with his fans and clients and also give tips.  I think using Facebook for personal interaction is important when running a self business because people like to feel important.  You can talk one on one with people and determine specific workout/diet plans for their body type and lifestyle.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Get Visual

Out of these four social media platforms, I think three out of the four visual networks would be beneficial for my business.  First and foremost, YouTube would have a great impact because I would be able to post workout clips of training sessions.  I could use it to show the effectiveness of a workout and people would be able to get to know me as a person before hiring me as a trainer.  I have seen many successful trainers start or use YouTube to promote their business and give tips and tricks.  Tumblr would also be beneficial because I already have many people asking about my workout plan on Tumblr.  The option of reblogging posts allows several people able to view what you are posting and attract potential customers.  Lastly, Instagram would be effective because you are able to post short videos and pictures.  This way people could be drawn in by the short intensity clips and success stories shown on my Instagram.

3 scheduled posts from Activity Log

1.) For the first post, it will allow customers to meet me and have a free one on one session with me.  This will hopefully attract unconvinced gym goers to decide to train with me.

2.) This second post gives the viewer a chance to perfect that certain part of their they have always wanted to tone up!

3.) Lastly, this post will attract those who can't attend the gym all the time and now have the opportunity to train from the comfortability of their own home.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Why I Chose My 'Likes'

On my business's Facebook page, I liked many different gyms and fitness magazines.  My reasoning for this is my target audience uses both of these things and my business has the potential to get noticed and/or grow.  Gym goers are my primary target; I could capture their attention and even work with them in the comfort of their own gym.  

Fitness magazines are a perfect way to get my word out as well.  By putting a few ads on their page and perhaps even in their magazine, my business will reach the eyes of thousands.  The more people that see my business the better because recognition means growth.  Advertising anywhere my target market goes is the main way to grow in my profession.

Post Rate vs. Post Engagement

The post rate and post engagement features on Facebook are similar, but there is one thing that sets them apart.  With post reach, the statistics show how many people have seen the post you made appear on their newsfeed.  Post engagement, however, shows how many people have actually interacted with the post you made by showing the likes, comments, shares, etc.

Knowing the difference is important because it will tell you how much attention your business is receiving.  For example, if you get 300 views on a post but only get 5 likes and 1 comment, it is pretty clear that you are targeting the wrong audience or your posts aren't up to par.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

My Business and Target Market

I do not own it yet, but I would like to start my own personal training business because I love fitness and I enjoy helping people reach their goals and full potential.

My target market is people who are not in shape, or people who would like to further improve their body and physical capabilities.

The problems I help fix are :
1.) Weight loss
2.) Easy and affordable meal plans that anybody will enjoy

Everyone knows that life gets hard; between school, work, kids, family, etc. your fitness is hard to focus on.  I want to help everyone get a jump start back into shape and allow people to enjoy and reap the benefits of being physically fit and live longer healthier lives.  Even if you are in great shape, I can create challenging workout plans from high intensity short workouts to long sessions training the nervous system and gaining strength, I can do it all.  My goal is to help as many people as I can become healthier, stronger, and more confident.