Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Similar Businesses

1.) Christian Guzman Fitness; Personal trainer
- He is using Instagram, Facebook and most importantly, Youtube.  He reaches out to new clients by providing new and useful workout techniques and on every video advertises his online personal training and diet program.  He is using social media effectively to build an audience which then transforms into a client base.

2.) Chris Jones, Physiques of Greatness; Bodybuilder, online personal trainer
-Chris uses Youtube and Facebook mostly, but has recently started using Instagram.  He built a large following on Youtube which transferred into more and more likes on Facebook.  On these platforms, he is able to connect with his fans and clients and also give tips.  I think using Facebook for personal interaction is important when running a self business because people like to feel important.  You can talk one on one with people and determine specific workout/diet plans for their body type and lifestyle.

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