Thursday, October 31, 2013

Business. Big Business. Workout Business.

Personally, for my business, I think it is possible for me to be extremely personal because customers should have a one on one relationship with who I am and what I do.  For example, I could share my morning weigh-in, my afternoon snack, or what I did differently in my workout.  I could also share even more personal things such as problems I face and how to overcome them.  I feel like having a personal blog will really connect with people, making them feel like your friend.  Personality is always a must on my blog for my business style.  I mean, if I don't show my personality, emotions, and thoughts, nobody will want to read my blog posts.  They could just google search their info.  Personality will make your viewers and customers attached to you and overall more comfortable.  I feel like this is the big bonus to having a self-operated business.  You can treat your clients as friends and talk to them as well as be there in the business aspect of things.


  1. I can definitely see how beneficial adding your personality into your blog for business can be. In a position like yours, which you are connected with your clients it's essential to be relatable and "human." At times I wish I had the wiggle room to add my emotions and personal thoughts without it threatening the business' image.

  2. I agree that you need to add your personality into your blog along with information that will benefit your customers. I don't necessarily want to read about what you ate or what you weigh. I would like tips on what works and how it's helped you and other customers.

  3. ...this is freaking AWESOME. i have to agree with you 100% John. You seem like you are a class act for sure..
